Easy annotation

ChiTree can annotate trees with several types of dataset layers. Tree annotation in ChiTree is powered by a data-driven engine which only needs effective data, not redundant data such as style data. All style adjustments are done in the attributes control panel. Therefore, with uniform format requirements, effective data for all types of dataset layer can be stored in only one Excel sheet or other file formats such as TSV and CSV. When adding a dataset layer, users only need to select corresponding columns for specific dataset layer. The above characteristics not only reduce the learning cost, but also improve the efficiency of data preparation.

Example file for dataset layer:


  • (1) The first column of each dataset layer data file must be node IDs which are identical with tree file.

  • (2) New name for dataset layer modify leaves name.

  • (3) Categories for dataset layer color block of leaves name.

  • (4) Categories for dataset layer add symbol.

  • (5) Data for dataset layer heatmap.

  • (6) Data for dataset layer base bar plot.

Corresponding figure: View Tree


  • Color blocks are added to label different Phylum.
  • Two columns of symbols are added to distinguish different OTUs type.
  • White and blue heatmap represents differences in relative abundance among fertilisation treatments.
  • Green bar graph represents relative abundance of OTUs with a maximum value of 29.2%.

Reference: Fig. 4c Cultivation-dependent coverage of OTUs in xylem. (Zhang, L., Zhang, M., Huang, S. et al., 2022)

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