Add specific symbols at branch tips or in aligned layout according to the given category.


Layer data

View example tree and data

  • Example data

At least one column of categories is needed. You can select multiple columns of category data when adding this dataset layer. If you leave a cell blank, no symbol of corresponding node will be added.

Node IDs Categories 1 Categories 2 ...
MT758060 A E ...
EF151805 B F ...
MW309385 C G ...
AJ717393 D G ...


single column


multiple columns


at branch tip (by default)

  • TSV format
Node IDs    Categories 1    Categories 2
EF151805    A    D
AY699794    B    E
AJ608641    B    F
JF937440    B    D
AJ744861    C    E
AJ564643    B    F
FN393747    C    D
AJ717393    B    E
MK238778    C    F
AJ575266    A    D
MT758060    A    E
MT760162    C    F
NR_025743    C    D
FM883672    C    E
HE985070    A    F
FR687202    C    D
KT253329    C    E
HQ326178    B    F
MT759893    C    D
KF309029    A    E
FM991866    B    F
MH197303    A    D
FR681897    C    E
MW309385    B    F
DQ112660    B    D
AJ575263    B    E
MK096443    A    F

Layer controlling attributes


  • Background


switch: Whether to draw background.


fill: Svg rect attribute.

fill-opacity: Svg rect attribute.


  • Color set


color: Click this button to choose a default color set.

  • Symbol type


All categories will be listed below followed by a symbol selector respectively. Click each symbol selector to select a symbol you like.

  • Custom color


switch: Whether to use custom color set.

All categories will be listed below followed by a color selector respectively. Click each color selector to select a color you like.

  • Symbol position


align: Whether to align symbols.

canvas-width: By default, each column of data will be allocated 50 pixels of space when you add multiple columns, but zero when adding single column. The background width is equal to this value. The larger the value, the wider the spacing between two adjacent columns of symbols.

padding: This attribute is used for spacing adjustment ranging from 0 to 1.

offset: The offset of canvas containing these symbols.

  • Symbol style


size: Size of symbol.

stroke: Svg path attribute.

stroke-width: Svg path attribute.

stroke-opacity: Svg path attribute.


See category shape legend

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