
Layer data

View example tree and data

  • Example data

One column of numerical data is needed. If you leave a cell blank, the bar of corresponding node will not be drawn.

Node IDs Bar value ...
MT758060 5 ...
EF151805 9 ...
MW309385 12 ...
AJ717393 13 ...
  • TSV format
Node IDs    Bar value
EF151805    2
AY699794    3
AJ608641    4
JF937440    5
AJ744861    6
AJ564643    7
FN393747    8
AJ717393    -9
MK238778    10
AJ575266    11
MT758060    12
MT760162    13
NR_025743    14
FM883672    2
HE985070    3
FR687202    4
KT253329    5
HQ326178    6
KF309029    8
FM991866    9
MH197303    10
FR681897    13
MW309385    12
DQ112660    13
AJ575263    14
MK096443    2

Layer controlling attributes


  • Canvas scale


width: The width of canvas to draw bar plot.

x: By default, the canvas starts at the end of branch whose length is longest. This value is the offset from that position.


  • Text style


rotate: Change the text rotation of ticks value.

font-size: Svg text attribute.

fill: Svg text attribute.

font-weight: Svg text attribute.

text-anchor: Svg text attribute.

font-style: Svg text attribute.

x: Svg text attribute.

y: Svg text attribute.

  • Tick


stroke: Svg line attribute.

stroke-width: Svg line attribute.

stroke-opacity: Svg line attribute.

tickValues: Specify which tick values to retain. The general format is tick values separated by comma.

tickFormat: Click this link for more details

removePath: Remove the axis line.

removeTick: Remove tick lines.

  • Grid


switch: Whether to draw tick grid.

stroke: Svg line attribute.

stroke-width: Svg line attribute.

stroke-dasharray: Svg line attribute.

stroke-opacity: Svg line attribute.

  • Lavel


text: Lavel text.

y: Svg text attribute.

font-size: Svg text attribute.

fill: Svg text attribute.

font-weight: Svg text attribute.

font-style: Svg text attribute.


  • Background


switch: Whether to draw background.

fill: Svg rect attribute.

fill-opacity: Svg rect attribute.


  • Bar style


padding: Adjust the spacing between two bars.

fill: Svg rect attribute.

fill-opacity: Svg rect attribute.

stroke: Svg rect attribute.

stroke-width: Svg rect attribute.

stroke-opacity: Svg rect attribute.

  • Bar text


switch: Whether to draw value texts.

align: Align value texts.

font-size: Svg text attribute.

fill: Svg text attribute.

font-weight: Svg text attribute.

font-style: Svg text attribute.

x: Svg text attribute.

value-format: This attribute is the same as tick format. Click this link for more details

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