Change the color of branch according to the given category. If adjacent leaf nodes share identical category, all children branches of the LAC of these leaf nodes will be colored in one color according to this category.


Layer data

View example tree and data

  • Example data

One column of categories is needed. If you leave a cell blank, the color of corresponding leaf name will not be changed.

Node IDs Categories ...
MT758060 A ...
EF151805 B ...
MW309385 C ...
AJ717393 D ...
  • TSV format
Node_IDs    Categories
EF151805    A
AY699794    B
AJ608641    B
JF937440    B
AJ744861    C
AJ564643    B
FN393747    C
AJ717393    B
MK238778    C
AJ575266    A
MT758060    A
MT760162    C
NR_025743    C
FM883672    C
HE985070    A
FR687202    C
KT253329    C
HQ326178    B
MT759893    C
KF309029    A
FM991866    B
MH197303    A
FR681897    C
MW309385    B
DQ112660    B
AJ575263    B
MK096443    A

Layer controlling attributes


  • Color set


color: Click this button to choose a default color set.

  • Custom color


switch: Whether to use custom color set.

All categories of that data column will be listed below followed by a color selector respectively. Click each color selector to select a color you like.


See category branches legend

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